The Backpack of Experience

Coaching has evolved a massive amount since 1990. Yes, there were coaching courses of sorts back than, but somehow you'd spend three days on a course and come away with one useful nugget of information that would improve your coaching skills. Now a days information is so readily accessible that you can gain enough information to be a good coach in a very short time. What you can't get is experience.

Preparing for Success

Nobody tells you when you're growing up that "winning" and "success" come at a cost.  At world level the cost is many times that which anyone outside top sport can imagine.  It involves the sacrifice of dedication, not for a month or a year, but four years plus to reach anywhere near potential.  The cost... Continue Reading →

The Mission

Every week we write about technical, tactical or occasionally political matters of interest. This week we thought we’d share some philosophies and beliefs, and real action of Toplevel Sailing... In 2012 we looked at the Olympic Games in Weymouth, and realised that the gulf in non-funding resources between the established successful nations and the “Emerging... Continue Reading →

Uncomfortable is OK

We are featuring the legend that is Bruce Kendall here because, as with everything he’s involved with, Bruce takes it to another level, to the extreme. He is an amazing character. He didn’t just “do” an Olympic campaign, but had a career spanning over a couple of decades, won innumerable World, Continental and Olympic medals, was THE yardstick to measure success

Inclusivity Blog

At Toplevel Sailing we believe we have enjoyed a progressive period in sailing, where a greater cross section and a growing demographic of people have had access to sailing, people of all abilities, all races and cultures are able to compete in our great sport

Our Analysis of the 2024 Olympic Slate

Every four years there is a rush of blood through the veins of World Sailing (formerly ISAF) as the Olympic “slate” - which is the combination of classes to comprise the Olympics six years from the decision year - is decided.  The process is quite complex, and theoretically thorough, and always leads to criticism, outrage,... Continue Reading →

Nobody said it was going to be easy…

Nobody said it was going to be easy... Many of you sailors know that feeling, you start the event well but on the 3rd day you are so tired the brain stops functioning, from there it spirals down until the rest of the event. Unfortunately, this is a very common situation to many sailors, luckily... Continue Reading →

Making the Weight

Ideal Weight and Dynamic Sailing Sailing crew weight is seemingly  best dealt with by most major sailing federations by making it clear that if the sailor is outside the ideal weight, they must get as close as possible to ideal before even being considered for National Sailing Teams. What we find inconsistent about this attitude... Continue Reading →

Peak Performance

Preparing for a peak performance event We were discussing the skills and art of “peaking”, and went rather further into this topic than intended at the time, but it was one of those interesting opportunities to exchange ideas and stimulate thoughts. The Olympic Games is special – one opportunity every four years to gain success. ... Continue Reading →

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