Preparing for Success

Nobody tells you when you're growing up that "winning" and "success" come at a cost.  At world level the cost is many times that which anyone outside top sport can imagine.  It involves the sacrifice of dedication, not for a month or a year, but four years plus to reach anywhere near potential.  The cost... Continue Reading →

Coach Training

At Toplevel Sailing we consider coach training to be one of the most useful services that we provide. The ability of a club or federation, or any organization to be in charge of their own coaching systems, and have them in a clear format that is both visible and accountable is a huge step forward for most organization. This is based both on feedback from clients and the evidence that a great coach can make a good sai

Making the Weight

Ideal Weight and Dynamic Sailing Sailing crew weight is seemingly  best dealt with by most major sailing federations by making it clear that if the sailor is outside the ideal weight, they must get as close as possible to ideal before even being considered for National Sailing Teams. What we find inconsistent about this attitude... Continue Reading →

The Art of Spending Money in Sailing

Sailing is considered an intellectual sport. Even by non-sailors. Demographic data prove that the cross section of the population interested in sailing are above average educated, are employed in above average jobs and have above average salaries, showing a significant higher proportion of real estate ownership. Yet it is a mystery to me how the... Continue Reading →

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